If you face charges at the federal level, you could have serious concerns about how the outcome of the case could impact your future. From your reputation and career to your freedom and financial penalties, these allegations can have serious consequences that affect you for many years. Regardless of the reason why you find yourself in this position, it is important to keep in mind that you are not alone.
In fact, many people face federal charges each year and statistics reveal the frequency of these cases.
Reviewing the prevalence of federal charges
The United States Sentencing Commission shared a report on federal offenses over the course of fiscal year 2021. Throughout this period, the USSC received reports of more than 57,000 cases, down 11.3% in comparison to fiscal year 2020. While immigration-related offenses accounted for much of this decrease, other types of federal charges went up, such as money laundering, drug trafficking and firearms offenses.
Data on different types of federal charges
During fiscal year 2021, drug-related offenses accounted for more federal charges than any other crime (31.3%). In fact, the USSD received reports of 17,917 drug cases in this period, up 6.5% in comparison to the previous year. In addition, immigration offenses also made up a significant proportion of federal charges (29.6%), followed by offenses involving firearms (14.2%). Males represented a majority of offenders (86.7%), and most had U.S. citizenship (66.4%).
Federal charges can carry severe penalties, and it is imperative to go over the unique details of your case closely.