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DWI charges when a child is in the vehicle

On Behalf of | Dec 22, 2020 | Drunk Driving |

If you are facing DWI charges, you likely have a number of different issues to take into consideration. For example, you need to think about your future, such as the impact these allegations could have on your career, as well as the potential financial impact of the case and the possibility of time behind bars. Sometimes, certain factors (such as a child riding in the vehicle during a stop) can make the consequences of a DUI case even more devastating.

Those accused of driving while drunk face various repercussions, from the loss of their driving privileges to prison time, fines and other penalties.

DWI cases involving children

According to the Texas Department of Transportation, those charged with driving drunk while a child under the age of 15 is present face additional penalties. For example, DWI cases involving passengers under the age of 15 can result in up to two years behind bars, an additional 180 days of license suspension, additional fines of $10,000 and even child endangerment charges.

DWI charges and legal intoxication

According to the Texas Department of Transportation, drivers are legally intoxicated when their blood alcohol content level is 0.08% or greater. However, it is against the law for people to drive whenever alcohol begins to affect their driving abilities. If you are facing DWI charges, you need to carefully examine any factors that could impact your case. Aside from certain details that could lead to harsher penalties, some people are able to find a more favorable outcome in court by poring over the ins and outs of their case.
