It should not come as a surprise that the penalties associated with drunk driving charges can be significant. To help address the potential penalties and consequences accused drivers face, they should be familiar with criminal defense protections so they do not have to face the charges without help.
Penalties for drunk driving charges in Texas can increase with the number of offenses the accused individual has. For the first offense, the accused driver faces a possible fine up to $2,000; 3 to 180 days in jail; the loss of their driver’s license; and additional penalties and consequences. For a second DUI offense, the accused driver faces a possible fine up to $4,000; one month to one year in jail; the loss of their driver’s license for up to two years; and additional penalties and consequences.
For a third DUI offense, the accused driver faces a possible fine up to $10,000; two to 10 years in prison; the loss of their driver’s license for up to two years; and additional penalties and consequences. Drunk driving penalties can have an extensive reach on the life of the accused individual and can impact them personally and professionally. In addition to a possible loss of their freedom, and possible incarceration, accused drivers can face professional and educational challenges because of DUI challenges.
A strong DUI defense can help accused drivers defend themselves against the DUI charges they are facing and the potential penalties and consequences that can follow. Individuals accused of driving under the influence can face a difficult road ahead which is why they should be familiar with how they can protect themselves from the charges they are facing.