A Texas man was sitting in his car in a suburban Dallas parking lot next to an ATM machine. He was apparently there for a transaction and was filling out a withdrawal slip when a pick-up truck came careening through the parking lot.
The white Ford F250 sped across the lot and slammed into the 43-year-old Saginaw resident’s car, ejecting him upon impact. He was pronounced dead at the scene of the car crash.
The 25-year-old pick-up truck driver was also killed.
Law enforcement officials said they do not yet know why the truck left the road and shot across the parking lot. A toxicology report has been ordered.
We do not know why this crash happened, but we do know that in many initially inexplicable traffic accidents, impairment was later found to be a factor.
In 2016, nearly 1,000 people in Texas lost their lives in DWI/DUI crashes. That figure includes more than 50 pedestrians and bicyclists.
There were more than 17,000 drunk driving crashes in our state in 2016. San Antonio reported the most impaired driving accidents: 1,845. Houston followed with 1,492, then Austin with 1,432, Dallas with 1,310 and El Paso with 758.
Distracted driving accidents are also on the rise, government sources indicate. Each day, at least nine people are killed in distracted driving crashes across the U.S. and more than 1,000 more are injured.
If you have been injured by a distracted or drunken driver, you can pursue full compensation for all damages with the help of an attorney experienced in personal injury litigation. Contact The Sanchez Law Firm for more information about how we can help you to get justice.