Texas law enforcement officials believe that a man north of Edinburg has been carrying unusual accessories with him on trips to convenience stores: a lit Roman candle, a hammer and a Jabbawockeez mask. The Lockhart man is suspected of carrying the fireworks and other attachments when he carries out armed robberies.
Austin Police Department officials refer to the suspect as the “Roman candle robber.” Police say the 44-year-old has robbed four convenience stores while wearing the mask made famous by a hip hop group, and wielding the hammer and Roman candle.
After police released a surveillance video showing a hammering-holding man entering a store with a mask on and holding a lit firework, they received a tip pointing them toward the suspect. The tipster apparently told officials that the man had recently been arrested on an unrelated charge by University of Texas Police officers.
He is now in custody, facing four charges of aggravated robbery.
For many people who have read of the accusations, the question of what and who Jabbawockeez might be is prominent. According to online reports, the mask-wearing hip hop dance crew formed more than a decade ago in California and has made a number of television appearances since then.
The suspect in the case faces the possibility of wearing a prison uniform for a long time if he is convicted on the charges. Like all others facing serious accusations, the sooner he speaks to a criminal defense attorney, the sooner his rights will be protected as he moves through the legal process.
If you have been arrested by Edinburg police, talk to a criminal defense attorney dedicated to protecting your freedom before speaking with a prosecutor dedicated to putting you behind bars.