Drug trafficking is a serious criminal offense that involves the illegal production, distribution and sale of controlled substances. While drug-related crimes are typically prosecuted at the state level, there are circumstances under which they become federal...
Year: 2023
When does money laundering turn into a federal drug crime?
In the world of crime, money often needs to be 'cleaned' to hide how the person or entity got it. This is what money laundering is all about. But when does it cross the line and become a federal drug crime? Money laundering becomes a federal drug crime when the...
4 FAQ about a federal cybercrime charge
In today's interconnected world, the rise of federal cyber crimes has become a pressing concern and a focus for law enforcement. For those confronting federal cybercrime charges, navigating the intricate legal terrain can be overwhelming and confusing. 1. What...
4 common causes of car accidents
The Lone Star State, with its vast highways and bustling city roads, is no stranger to car accidents. Understanding the common reasons behind these incidents can empower drivers to make safer choices on the road. 1. Distracted driving One leading cause of car...
Why does drunk driving increase over the holidays?
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported in 2020, one-third of all drunk driving fatalities occurred between Christmas and New Year's Day. As the holiday season approaches, concerns over drunk driving increase. This concerning trend is not a mere...
Understanding the three-pronged federal obscenity crime test
In the United States, the First Amendment protects freedom of speech, allowing citizens broad the right to choose their own forms of entertainment. However, obscenity (pornographic material that violates community standards without any redeeming artistic or social...
Succeeding at coparenting
In 2020, the U.S. Census Bureau reported that 25.5% of children in the country live in homes with only one parent. For these children, successful coparenting arrangements can be vital. Coparenting is an approach that seeks to prioritize the well-being of the children...
Facing a grand jury in a federal drug case
Being involved in a federal drug case can be a daunting experience, especially when you hear that your case might go before a grand jury. This particular aspect of the legal system often remains shrouded in mystery for many people. The United States Sentencing...
How does a federal grand jury work?
A federal grand jury is a powerful institution in the United States legal system, often working behind the scenes to investigate and determine whether there is sufficient evidence to bring criminal charges against an individual or entity. According to the U.S....
What is the RICO Act?
Forbes reported there were 213 RICO case prosecutions in 2018. The RICO Act is an important legal tool in the fight against organized crime. RICO stands for Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, and it is a federal law aimed at curbing criminal...